Sunday, September 16, 2012

This is a brilliant piece of work.  I urge you to watch, listen, and share widely.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Finding a Way Forward

I see Walker's victory as reflective of the conservative trend this country has been on since Barry Goldwater first said, "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice."  With a few zigs to the left along the way, we have been making a steady right turn thanks to grassroots activists who have elected their candidates to the school board, village board, town council, etc.  That is where the ground game really matters, and it has taken them 40 years to accomplish.  The Tea Party is only the latest and most affluent manifestation.

Since 2006, we have focused on supporting middle-of-the-road candidates for our McFarland Village Board.  Our criteria have been a genuine willingness to serve, a spirit of openness, and an absence of personal or political agenda.  I created a website to disseminate information about local candidates, remaining as objective as humanly possible, and building a network of subscribers that now numbers in the hundreds.  Not all of them are political progressives, but the Village Board is non-partisan, and there are many issues where common ground is not hard to find. 

We had been very, very successful until 2010 and 2011.  But, two of the three candidates who won seats in those elections were just censured by our Ethics Board for acting without regard to an apparent conflict of interest.  It's never happened here before, but it was a slap upside the head that was timely and well-deserved.  Whether they are capable of change remains to be seen.

My purpose in telling you this is to encourage you and your allies to focus on local issues, build coalitions across ideological lines wherever you can, and elect local officials who are open-minded and willing to listen.  Lay that groundwork carefully and respectfully, and you will begin the process that's essential if we are to reclaim our Wisconsin. 

In the interim, prepare yourself and your family for the inevitable onslaught of ALEC-inspired legislation and the race to the bottom that will follow for the middle class.  I believe that those who voted for Walker because they didn't like the recall will soon discover that their priorities were misplaced.  They will suffer like the rest of us, but it may be the only way they can learn what we already know. 

In all my 74 years, I have never given up hope.  I am a perpetual optimist.  I wish that my beloved Wisconsin didn't have to endure what's been and what's yet to be, but, as is the case with all kinds of addictions, it's often necessary to hit bottom before you grasp the enormity of your problem. 

We are addicted to sound bites, to gloss, to simple answers, and to the zero sum game.  Our attention spans have shrunk to 7 seconds, and many of us believe only the last, cleverest, snarkiest thing we've heard.  We believe it until the next one comes along.

Many have been hurt by the shift to the right, and many more will be.  But, in the end, I must believe that the pain will be instructive and that progressive ideals will emerge to heal our wounds as they did during the Great Depression and again during the 60's revolutions.  Political thought moves cyclically. Those of us who have lived long have seen these cycles come and go, and we know that our turn will come again.

I have always believed in improving my little corner of the world in whatever way I can.  Keep it tidy, keep it functional, keep it true.  My website is devoted to that idea.  Take a look at it; perhaps you'll be moved to open a "branch office".

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Democracy Thrives in Wisconsin

To warm your hearts and ease your pain, I offer this Election

Day story: As we stood the legal distance from the 

McFarland Municipal Center, holding our Grassroots TV signs, 

a young, smartly dressed woman approached. She stopped in 

the grass, looked at us, and said, "My father is 62 years old. 

He fought in Viet Nam." She began to cry, struggling with 

deep emotions. "He's never voted in his life, and today he's 

voting for Tom Barrett." I could say nothing, do nothing but 

hug her. She waited in line an hour, voted, and returned 

smiling. This is what democracy looks - and feels like.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Very Important Endorsement

This letter to the editor of the Wisconsin State Journal is from 

Barbara Lorman, a former Republican state legislator. She 

supports Barrett and Lori Compas. Please share as widely as 


Saturday, June 2, 2012

We held these signs this morning, Sat. June 2, at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Madison.  We were warmly welcomed by organizers, participants, and law enforcement.  It was a magnificent day to celebrate women, community, and democracy!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

New Rush Hour Brigade Video

Greetings from Hwy. 51 in McFarland.  Lots of thumbs up, honking, and smiles today.  And, more than 650 voters have already cast their ballots here with more to come!  Let's keep it up - only 6 days left.

One More Lie

Here's a link to Walker's quote regarding voter fraud and the response from the Tomah newspaper's editorial board.  I pay attention, and I missed this quote entirely.  Share it, please.  This is one more lie meant to divide and conquer, and we can't let it pass unnoticed.   

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rush Hour Brigade

In 1:45, Our 2 block long, 8 member Hwy. 51 Rush Hour Brigade reached 2516 drivers this afternoon.  Today, our message was: Why Recall?, Jobs Where?; Education Slashed; Corporate Tax Breaks; Criminal Defense Fund; Got It?; Vote Barrett-Mitchell; Come Join Us.  The thumbs-up were 4 to 1 over thumbs down.  We'll be out again tomorrow, 4 to 6.

Monday, May 28, 2012

New Signs

New Signs on Hwy 151/18

More Sign Brigades

Facebook is rife with volunteering opportunities for Sign Brigades.  Search for Grassroots TV WI to find them.  Or, organize your own.  Two or three of you with signs standing on public property at rush hour is all that it takes.  Signs can say simply, "Vote June 5th" or they can have pro-Barrett-Mitchell messages.  Large print, 4" to 6" and not too many words is ideal.  Space yourselves widely enough to give drivers a chance to read each sign.  You'll enjoy it, I promise!