Sunday, April 29, 2012

Today, we saw these three signs west of Madison on Hwy. 151/18.  Click on the photo to enlarge it.

Monday, April 23, 2012

We've been busy making GrassRoots TV yard signs.  Scott Walker gives us an endless supply of ideas.  Here are two sign sets ala Burma Shave: 

Out of Work                                     
Income Low?
Walker's Jobs                                   
A no Show?
Vote him out June 5  

Schools are in trouble
Time to Burst 
Walker's bubble                                                       
Vote June 5

We should have all 50 signs placed in the next few days.  Then, we'll begin to plan our highway Burma Shave campaign set to begin after the May 8th primary.  Stay tuned and stay involved!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Check out our newly-made signs on the GrassRoots TV WI Yard Sign Ideas page.  I'll be posting more of these as they get made.  We are using 24x36 sheets of coroplast, a Sharpie King-Sized Permanent marker, and 2" and 3" stencils.  Here's a list of topics you might consider for your own signs:  middle class, women, children, seniors, labor, health care, tech schools, public schools, universities, jobs, environmental protections, centralized power, license to kill, big money from out of state, consumers rights, voting rights, John Doe, municipal gov't funding, ALEC.  If you email pictures of your signs to, I'll be happy to publish them.  It would be great to know where in WI they'll be displayed.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I've made some changes to the format that I hope will make things easier to read.  Posts are wider now, and "Comments" easier to access.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday, April 15:  Three of the four Democratic candidates for Governor [Mayor Tom Barrett was unavailable] appeared at the Grassroots Progressive Forum held at Stoughton High School, Stoughton, WI.  GrassRoots TV made its debut in the driveway, clearly delighting the attendees as they arrived.   Click here to watch a short video of the GrassRoots TV Sign Line.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I'm hoping Wisconsinites will be able to share their GrassRoots TV ideas on this blog.  Over 600 people from around the state have already visited our GrassRoots TV WI website.  Join this homemade, people-powered movement!

This blog is devoted exclusively to GrassRoots TV.  All comments will be moderated within 24 hours.  All comments and posts appropriate to GrassRoots TV will be published within 24 hours.  

This is a public blog, and you may not wish to expose your name and email address.  We are in search of ideas, not names.

Please feel free to comment anonymously, but please include your WI location.